The COMMUNITY DOCK, BEACH AND PIER are private membership amenities for you to enjoy. Please maintain social distance while using the pier and float
A gate has been installed to reduce trespassing. It will be a few weeks before the gate is closed and the lock installed in order to give all residents the opportunity to receive their permit and key card. 1 key card and 2 parking permits will be available per household. Owners of rental properties will be responsible to issue keycards to their tenants. Print the Vehicle Key Card permit application below.
After this time period, the area will be accessible to foot traffic without restriction but vehicle traffic will require a parking permit . You will need the keycard for both entry and exit.
Last year it was repaired and brought up to current aquatic standards as required by the Department of Natural Resources. It is anticipated that the float will in place at the end of our pier Memorial Day through Labor Day.
This facility is for day use only. There is no overnight moorage!