The Flushing signs keep blowing down, I have not taken them down. Flushing is done for Thursday but there is still a small section that will need to be done tomorrow (Friday.)
If you live on Riepma Ave (South of Sidney to Arnold), Shawn Ave, Diane Ave, Carl Ave, Donald Ave (South of Sidney to Arnold), Phillip St, Sharon Ave and Douglas St. Your lines were flushed today. These residents should run your outside lines to finish your part of the flush on your street after 5pm today.
If you live in Glencairn, or on any other street that was flushed yesterday, you do not need to run your outside faucets today. The last section (Everything south of Arnold Rd) will be done tomorrow. Friday, April 21, 8am to 5pm.
All residents should refrain from using water Friday, 8am-5pm. Even though you may have water, the water is needed to clear the lines. We will let you all know as soon as we are 100% done.